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Older Businessman - Trade Winds Dental

What is Hybridge®?

added on: October 6, 2020

The Simple Way to a Lasting Smile™

Are you struggling with little or no teeth left in your mouth? Do you have traditional, removable, dentures that are causing more problems in life than providing solutions? There might be a restorative treatment you’ll want to discuss with your Georgetown dentist. We can help you live a life that’s more fulfilled and less troublesome because your oral health gets in the way.

One way dentists can change the way you feel about having dentures, is to show you the transformative power of something like Hybridge® dental implants. Take a moment and learn more about this restorative solution from your dentist in Georgetown.

What is Hybridge®?

What is it that you’re considering for your smile? If you’re interested in learning more about treatments for your lower or upper jaw and full arch dental implants or a full-mouth restoration. Hybridge® treatments include a finely crafted, customized prosthetic restoration that’s durably held in place by lightweight titanium dental implants. These amazing posts will act as tooth roots, helping to stimulate bone growth and good health. Because Hybridge® restorations attach permanently to your implants, we are able to easily eliminate various problems patients have with more conventional denture treatments.

Why do Georgetown dentists use Hybridge®?

Over the past 20 years, there have been over 8,000 completed Hybridge® cases across the country. Dentists and dental implant specialists alike have relied on this smile solution because it provides both the clinician and the patient with a highly predictable process and end results of more smiles and boost in confidence.

Hybridge® implants have truly been perfected and standardized providing both patients and dentists alike with more precise and predictable results everyone can be proud to show off. Having a healthier smile that’s more whole is easier than ever with implant-supported dentures like Hybridge®.

Is it the right time in your life to have a serious discussion about your oral health goals? Why not schedule an appointment at Georgetown dental office and start the conversation. We can assess your smile needs, talk about your options, and create a treatment plan that’s customized for your comfort and convenience. Don’t hesitate to talk to us today! We can’t wait to show you how amazing dentistry can be and how incredible you’ll feel when your treatment is complete.

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