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3613 Williams Dr, STE 1001, Georgetown, TX 78628
Father And Daughter Having Fun - Trade Winds Dental

Why Georgetown Cosmetic Dentistry Is More in Demand Than Ever

added on: July 24, 2024

NBC News recently did this story highlighting how there’s a new resurgence in cosmetic dentistry across the country. Your Georgetown dentist is here to tell you it’s happening here too!

The story begins with Kourosh Maddahi, a cosmetic dentist out of Beverly Hills. He said that sometime around March he started noticing a trend. More and more patients were calling asking everything from teeth whitening to full on smile makeovers. He thought the surge of calls was even higher than anything the office experienced prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Even virtual consultations were gaining momentum as people considered traveling to take care of their smile. 

What’s the main reason Maddahi said patients are looking to finally get the cosmetic work they deserve is because they simply say: “I’m not scared anymore.” He adds that “people are vaccinated and willing to do this. They see there are less cases. That feeling of being scared and being worried, it sort of has disappeared.”

Back to Living and Having Fun

As things start to improve, more social calendars are starting to fill up. This also led to a resurgence in self-care or beauty products such as nail polish, perfumes or cologne, and clothing. People are also more focused on their teeth, more than ever. The article says that, according to SmileDirectClub, there’s been a 47 percent increase in teeth whitening solutions sold this year. 

Ask your Georgetown dentist and we’ll tell you that people are noticing how their smile looks after the masks come off because after spending months out of social environments we all want a way to feel better about ourselves and the world around us. 

There’s Less Fear Now Than Before

Maddahi found in talking with his patients post-pandemic, that they similarly spoke about a “pent-up demand” and that patients were not liking what they were seeing in terms of their smile on all of those Zoom meetings. He says patients “were scared to come in and now they’re vaccinated and they definitely want to do something about it.”

Does this sound familiar to you or someone in your family? Maybe it’s time you scheduled a cosmetic consultation at our dental office in Georgetown to learn more about your options!

I’m Dreaming of a Whiter Smile

Whitening. Whitening. Whitening. It’s a service your Georgetown loves to have in demand from patients because it can give you some excellent results without breaking your budget or taking up too much of your time. We have options that work for every smile and lifestyle, so if you’re interested in smile whitening, we invite you to schedule an appointment so we can get to know you and your needs. Contact us today online or call us at (512) 856-9623.