We receive questions about teeth whitening all of the time here at Trade Winds Dental, so we wanted to spell out a few of the facts to all of our patients. • In-office products are more effective and pose less risk for complications than OTC products. Why? Materials are custom… Read More…
At Trade Winds Dental, we know most of our patients enjoy a cup of coffee or two throughout the day. But what many of you don’t know is that coffee can be especially tough on your teeth because tannic acid (the substance that makes the dark color) etches into the… Read More…
Have you ever wished that your teeth were whiter? We understand. We all want a bright, white smile that we’re happy to show off to the world. But many things can cause tooth discoloration — from your daily cup of coffee to your nightcap glass of red wine, or delicious… Read More…
NBC News recently did this story highlighting how there’s a new resurgence in cosmetic dentistry across the country. Your Georgetown dentist is here to tell you it’s happening here too! The story begins with Kourosh Maddahi, a cosmetic dentist out of Beverly Hills. He said that sometime around March he… Read More…